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disinfecting For Covid & Other Germs

Safety has always been a concern but now more than ever the health of our community is a top priority during the COVID-19 pandemic. We have all been flooded with news stories and ideas from people about different ways to clean and protect ourselves. With all of this information it can be hard to figure out what is the best way to disinfect, especially if you do not have time to do research. At Carpet Medic we made it a priority to do extensive research on new equipment and cleaners so that we can offer you the best service and feedback to hopefully help make this time less stressful. 

Checkered Mask
Our process

A scary fact is that a single desk can harbor 400 times more bacteria than an average toilet seat.

There are many ways to disinfect but they are not all equal in effectiveness especially with COVID. We have done extensive research and have selected the most effective disinfectant sprayer in the world and the top disincentives to kill over 99.99% of bacteria in only 30 seconds. Carpet Medic uses the EMist EPIX360 disinfectant sprayer which uses electrostatic technology. This is the same product that United Airlines and other large companies use. EPIX technology is smart technology. The electrostatic sprayer continuously detects the polarity (+) or (-) of the user and the equipment and adjusts automatically so that grounding is never an issue. The chemical is first atomized, passes through an electrostatic-induction nozzle, charged using a bipolar power supply, and then discharged toward the target area. In other words the “super-charged” droplets actively seek out negative or neutral surfaces and “wrap” around them providing even and consistent coverage.

While killing these germs we still want to protect ourselves and not use anything toxic. The active ingredient in our disinfectant is identified by the EPA as having no known adverse effects to human health or the environment. It is classified under the EPA’s lowest toxicity rating allowed by law for all routes of exposure, which include: inhalation, ingestion, skin irritation, skin sensitization and eye irritation.

If you would like additional details on the products we use please reach out and we will gladly provide any information and process details.

not all disinfecting services are equal

Always ask companies what specific equipment and products they are using. Some may be misleading when describing their process so it is important to get details. Many claim to use electrostatic sprayers but actually do not. Carpet Medic will never try to mislead a client and is always willing to provide more detail and explain our procedures to you.  

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